gramophone|gramophones in English


[gram·o·phone || 'græməfəʊn]

phonograph, record playe

Use "gramophone|gramophones" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "gramophone|gramophones" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "gramophone|gramophones", or refer to the context using the word "gramophone|gramophones" in the English Dictionary.

1. Does the gramophone work?

2. The gramophone was not functioning.

3. The police had just confiscated our gramophones and our Bible literature.

4. Last fling for the analogue gramophone?

5. He was changing the gramophone records.

6. They danced to an ancient gramophone.

7. He even took the Gramophone on safari.

8. Five-time winner of the Golden Gramophone.

9. The telephone and the gramophone were contemporary.

10. A gramophone was playing a popular song.

11. Electric gramophones, dictating machines, apparatus for public address, intercom systems, broadcasting and receiving equipment

12. Maori artefacts, washing machines, gramophones, even chamber pots of every size shape and colour.

13. John also began building up a collection of gramophone records.

14. The gramophone has been displaced by tape recorder.

15. The information on an ordinary gramophone record is analogue.

16. They were not setting out to trade in gramophone records.

17. Old Dave Meadows put old Brubeck records on the gramophone.

18. He was granted his first patent for what he called the "Gramophone" in 1887.

19. Compact discs, Tape cassettes and Gramophone records, Sound and audiovisual recordings, CD-ROMs

20. They were like a needle stuck in a gramophone record, inexorably repeating embrace after embrace.

21. It's only a short time to squeeze in eight gramophone records, isn't it?

22. There was also a badly scratched veneered cabinet which had once housed a gramophone.

23. He must have hit the jackpot with the sales of his last gramophone record.

24. 30 They were like a needle stuck in a gramophone record, inexorably repeating embrace after embrace.

25. One of the most iconic images on Grammy night is the snap of the big winner cradling an Armload of golden gramophones